Dr. Lee's  Tutoring Service for USABO, USMDO, and Chemistry

Course Preparation

  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Biology
  • IBET/Honor Biology​
  • Honor/TJ Summer Chemistry

  Test Preparation

  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Biology​

Olympiad Preparation

  • US Biology Olympiad (USABO)
  • US Medicine and Disease Olympiad (USMDO)

Prospective 7/8th Grader (even 5th/6th)

a) Students who are interested in Bio/Chem Olympiad:

If you want to do the Science Olympiad, you must start now. Most international winners start from middle school. You may know that China, Korea, India and many other countries operate Olympiad academies from middle school for international competitions. 

My previous chem/bio TJ students had usually started from 10th grade when they learn AP chem/AP bio. I could help them win 1st round chem/bio Olympiad competitions, but it was hard for them to beat students who start from an early age. Therefore, I started teaching science-oriented 8th graders from 2013. So, from 2014 I could help students pass biology Olympiad even in 9th grade and became the finalists in 10th grade.

By starting early, they can have a better chance. For example, Sophie Chen had multiple AP exams in middle school and had studied from middle school and passed USABO finalist exam in 9th, 11th, and 12th.

Students could finish the AP Bio Book in 9th grade. The AP Bio Book is a good start for the first round of Bio Olympiad. After that, I continue Cell Biology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Genetics, Plant Biology and Ecology, which are required for the second round USA Bio Olympiad (USABO) and International Biology Olympiad (IBO). In addition, students can take the Univ. of Toronto Exam every April.

If students are more interested in chemistry, I can support them to finish honor chemistry (or TJ summer chemistry) to finish early. Most students pass the first round of the US National Chem Olympiad (USNCO) competition in their junior years. But by starting early, students can pass the USNCO in sophomore year.

Students in other state can attend.

The 1st round cutoff of USNCO depends on States. Competitive areas like DC/VA/MD area cutoff is mid 50 or higher. But some other state's cutoff is 40 or a little less. So, it is worth to try it.

A short Introduction to USA Biology Olympiad (USABO)

1st selection

~10,000 high school students annually take the 1st round exam mid-Feb, called the open exam which was named because the exam is opened to all students.~1,000 students in the nation, called semifinalists, are selected after the first round exam. It is about 10% of test-takers. TJ usually have 25 to 30. No limit per school (Chem Olympiad has a limitation, 2/school). 

2nd selection:

The semifinalists are entitled to take the second round exam, called the semifinal exam because only semifinalists can take it. 20 in the second round in the nation becomes the finalist. MIT loves these students. All my students who won this got an admission from MIT. MIT loves the finalists.

3rd selection:

The finalist has 2 weeks of training in a college in June. Four are selected and can attend IBO (International Biology Olympiad). I am strongly willing to help my students be IBO gold medalists. The winner can go to any colleges in USA if win in IBO.

STUDENTS JOINED LATER could pass. IF JOIN the USABO class LATE, they can study the recorded video and continue the on-going class. Even not pass in 9th, they can pass in 10th/11th and write the result in his/her resume for the college application. Students who pass in 9th grade may be about 50 (my pure guess). Mostly 11th graders who studied more.

2014: One freshman and two sophomores won the first round USABO exam

2015: Two freshmen and four sophomores passed the first round USABO exam. One passed the second round USABO exam.
One freshman, two sophomores and two juniors passed the first round USABO exam. Two passed the second round USABO exam.

2017: three sophomores and five juniors in the first round

20182018 exam results: Taught 4 TJ freshmen, 3 freshmen scored as high as 28. (The fourth student joined Nov and had one point below the cut-off, 21).  more sophomores and juniors.
2019 exam results:
a total of 9 students passed, 1 freshman, 4 sophomores, 4 junior/senior (can be more, 29 in VA, 25 in TJ, 592 in the nation)
2020 exam results:
2 Freshmen, 2 Sophomores, 5 Juniors. One freshman took Skype session in NJ and one sophomore in TX who got the highest score in the 2020 open exam)
2021 exam results:
total 11 passed and 6 students got over 30 score including students in NJ, TX and CA.
One student passed the second round and became the finalist and another student ranked in the top 50. They took both 1st and 2nd round classes. 

2022 exam results: Total 8 passed. 3 students got 30 to 35. One student got 40 (2nd best in the nation). Two of 20 finalists are my students from VA and NJ. 

2023 exam results: 9 students who attended 2022-2023 class took the exam and 8 passed. 6 previous students reported to pass. This year's exam used shorter sentences in the most of problems and so it looked easy but as hard as the previous one (24 is cutoff). Since students understood basic concepts well, they could solve confidently regardless of problem types.

* A middle school student is taking the current USABO class and won the 2023 National Science Bee Champion and also got the 1st place on the National Biology Exam. 

​2024 exam results: 7 students passed who attended 2023-2024 and 2022-2023 classes. 4 students won with over 30. Cutoff 23. The highest score was 39. Students with18-22 received Honorable Mention Certificate that is new from this year. Hope they can make it next year.

Live Stream for 2026 USABO exam: from Feb 14, 2025, I have a live stream via Skype, so students in non-TJ school or in other states can take my session. Fri 830-1030pm EST.

If start from 8th, there are three chances to be successful in 2026, 2027 and 2028.

A short introduction to Chem Olympiad (USNCO); 19-20 in DC area and ~950 in the nation are selected after the first round exam. Maximum 2 per school.

Then, both Bio/Chem Societies select the final 20 in the nation after the second round exam.
Students will have 2 weeks of training in a college, and four students are qualified to attend the international Olympiad.
These top 20 students have a greater chance in their applications to top-notch colleges. A gold or silver medal in the international Olympiad is an even more appealing accomplishment.

) Middle Schoolers

If a super smart 6th/7th grader your son/daughter is, I would recommend to start as early as possible.
Please, look how many students took AP exams in middle school in the table below.
Prepare as early as possible. You can prepare for May 2024/2025 AP Exam now

2016 statistics

          Middle School Students                   Freshmen                             Sophomore  
Grade       Number       %           Grade         Number     %        Grade       Number        %  
5               1,032         16.44        5                 11,952     11.11       5               59,310        12.67  
4               1,365         21.75        4                 18,826     17.49      4               85,681        18.3
3               1,444         23.01        3                 23,047     21.42      3             126,843         27.09
2               1,377         21.94        2                 23,326     21.68      2             108,264         23.13
1               1,058         16.86        1                 30,461     28.31      1               88,067        18.81
Total         6,276         100          Total          107,612     100        Total        468,165         100

c) Chem and Bio for 6/7/8th graders

If students start early, they have a better chance to win in many competitions and get a higher GPA. Some talented young students may have a hard time finding a good place to fulfill their knowledge of chemistry and biology. 

pre-USABO class, Honor biology, for rising 7, 8, 9th graders 

The class will start from Apr 2025 to Nov 2025. 

​​This helps young students understand biology earlier and prepare for the science Olympiad and USA Biology Olympiad. The teaching focuses on advanced honor biology level but all teaching is connected to USA Biology Olympiad in high school. Parents demand higher-level teaching in middle school, but it is not easy to find what they want. This is the course that parents want.

​Since no honor biology book is good for smart students, I use Campbell biology on focus 3rd edition. The content is above TJ IBET and other school honor biology and almost same as AP biology (except statistical part). This way, students get used to Campbell book, understand biology systematically and feel easy to study AP book for Biology Olympiad.

Super smart and self-motivated 6/7th: 
One 7th grader joined my USABO class but she enrolled in another school even though she passed TJ. She could understand like 10th graders. There will be students like her.
My youngest student was 9 years old boy (not 9th grade) who understood AP bio book very well and I helped him get 5 in AP exam and 800 in SATII. The following year, AP chem was taught and he got 5 in AP exam and 800 in SATII. He came to me because his parents could not find a place that could satisfy him. The parents told me that he did not want to go other places and so came to my class and satisfied. He started TJ and was admitted to MIT. At age 18 (2021), he is taking a PhD course at Harvard.

In 2022, I allowed a 6th grader to take USABO class after talking and is doing very well. He may pass 1st and 2nd round USABO in 9th grade in 2025 Feb. Meantime, he won many national middle school competitions.

The education programs for middle school students at colleges like C.T.Y. could not be helpful for super smart kids although it helps average students boost their interest. Once they can understand basic chem/ap bio book, I can accelerate them to start early, which will definitely be the key to success.

d) Possible Planning

(Not offer ap chem/ap bio. If take TJ summer chem, I will provide ap chem exam materials. If take USABO, I will provide ap bio exam materials.)

7th grade: take pre-USABO/TJ Bio course and/or TJ summer chemistry

in 8th grade, continue USABO and/or TJ summer chemistry

in 9th grade, continue USABO II and/or TJ summer chemistry. take USMDO

in 10th grade, continue USABO II, take USMDO

in 11th grade, continue USABO II for IBO, take USMDO

8th grade: take pre-USABO/TJ Bio or USABO. TJ summer chem

in 9th grade, continue USABO or USABO II. and/or TJ summer chem. take USMDO

in 10th grade, continue USABO II. take USMDO

in 11th grade, continue USABO II for IBO. take USMDO

9th grade: take pre-USABO/TJ Bio or USABO. TJ summer chem. take USMDO

​in 10th grade, continue USABO or USABO II. take USMDO

​in 11th grade, continue USABO or USABO II for IBO. take USMDO

10th grade: USABO and/or USABO II. take USMDO
in 11th grade, USABO II. take USMDO

11th grade: USABO and/or USABO II. take USMDO

This plan just a rough plan. You can be adjusted it. If want to a customized plan, please contact me.
