Dr. Lee's  Tutoring Service for USABO, USMDO, and Chemistry

Course Preparation

  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Biology
  • IBET/Honor Biology​
  • Honor/TJ Summer Chemistry

  Test Preparation

  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Biology​

Olympiad Preparation

  • US Biology Olympiad (USABO)
  • US Medicine and Disease Olympiad (USMDO)

Charles Lee

10617 Jones St Fairfax VA 22030 US
(Near the Fairfax Court House)

E-mail: charles22033@yahoo.com and one of the following emails

pre-USABO/IBET: honor biology ibetfortj@gmail.com

Summer chem: summerchemfortj@gmail.com

USABO: usaboexam@gmail.com

When you email, please fill out followings if possible.

Please give me some info.
Student name:
Parent name/email
Phone number.
skype ID:
Have read Campbell biology book? 
Any prior class(es) for chem and bio?

Class is done via skype.

1) Go to skype.com
2) make ID.
3) invite me. My I'D is APCHEMBIO.
4) I will reply. Then we can communicate.
* please, write a message for the subject that the student wants.

Here are some testimonials (this was recorded for long, so higher numbers are more recent testimonial)


After the first quarter, I thought it was impossible to get an A in AP Chemistry, even after meeting with multiple tutors. Dr. Lee, however, helped me get A in the class, a 5 on the AP, and an 800 on my Chemistry SAT II! I was so pleased with his help.

Student 2 

Since I didn’t take summer chemistry, I struggled in AP Biology, which requires a strong chemistry background. Fortunately, thanks to Dr. Lee’s help, I was able to maintain an A all year in AP Biology and got 5 in AP!

Student 3 

After taking summer chemistry, I thought that AP Chemistry would be easy. It wasn’t, but by working with Dr. Lee, I’ve been able to keep an A in the class.

Student 4 

Dr. Lee's easy explanations simplified summer chemistry for me and helped me end up with an A.  His short and concise teaching helped me do other activities.

Student 5
I took AP Environmental Course for about 20 hours for 6 days just before the test. It was more than enough for me to get 5. His summary and material were super excellent.

Student 6
It is very hard to hear that students get 800 in Bio SAT subject in TJ. Oh! My god! I got 800 in SATII subject! HIs last minute summary was very helpful.

Student 7
I will major in law and so IBET was not my favorite subject. Teacher's explanation was too much to catch up. Dr. Lee's explanation helped me get out of the hell. I should have met him from the beginning.

Students 8.(after National Chem Olympiad test. But not selected as one of 20 in the nation. of course this student got A, 5, 800 in chem)
All the calculation problems I feel good about. I practiced a lot, so I could do them quickly. I know some people who only did the first question on the free response out of 8 total questions. Some didn't even finish the free response questions. I managed to finish all the free response questions with some extra time left, so I think I was fast.

Students 9
I am very happy to let you know that I made USABO semifinals!!!! I came 2nd in THE ENTIRE SCHOOL!!!, the only person who beat me was a junior student, I beat tons of other kids. It means that I am the first in sophomore. THIS IS VERY GOOD NEWS!!!!!!  Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it. I will talk to you later since I am in school right now.

From Parents- whose kid took AP chem, AP Bio, and AP ES together in the sophomore year. (started with me after getting lower grade than expected in school)
It is with tears in my eyes that I thank you for all you did to help my son.  He got 800 for Chemistry and 800 for Biology.  I will never never be able to thank you enough. (sent June after receiving SAT score)  We got back from vacation and checked his AP scores.  He got 5 for Bio, Chem, Environmental Science.  Once again, thank you so much for preparing him so well for the exams.  He could not have done it without your guidance and instruction.  In the short time, he was with you, you helped him see his capabilities and strengths and to not give up.  I am very happy about these results for him.  (sent July after receiving AP score)
Student 10 (after freshman year in a college whose major is chemical engineering. got A, 5, 800 in chem)
I just wanted to say with your help I have acquired not only understanding of general chemistry but also confidence which laid a solid foundation that continues to help me with various courses and my chemical engineering major. Thank You.

Students 11
Who can teach three AP subjects well in the world!!  He integrated them well and so I felt I learned one subject for two years. After learning three, I felt chem, bio, environmental science are all one subject. Got all three 5. Thanks.

Student 12
Thank you for all of your knowledge you shared with me as well as your guidance. Even if three hours every Saturday night seemed too long and tiring, I always felt they were well-spent. I'm pretty sure that you are the only teacher in the world that can cover a whole unit in three hours. :) your subject-related jokes and stories also made each session fun and exciting. I have a lot to say and I didn't know how to say it, but overall, I am very thankful to have met you and I learned from you. It has been a little under two years, but I feel as if I have known you for much longer. You are like an uncle to me. Your care and consideration, from staying up late to check homework, (...), have helped this humanities-loving girl gain confidence as a student of science. I will definitely repay all of your kindness and efforts as a CEO or other successful person someday! Sincerely

Student 13
My daughter was encouraged by Dr. Lee. She never studied late. However, after she took his class, I must persuade her to sleep early. Great encouraging teacher Dr. Lee is!!!!

Students 14
I never expected I could pass biology Olympiad in 9th grade. From 8th grader after TJ exam, I was trained very well by Dr. Lee and I made it. His way of delivering topics is concise and very efficient

Student 15
I studied AP bio book for USABO. I thought I understood well. After taking Dr. Lee's explanation, I could understand more deeply and connect same concepts in different chapters, which was almost impossible by myself. Anyway, thanks to his lecture, I could pass USABO in freshman year.

Parents 16
My 9 years old boy took ap bio and got 5 in AP exam and 800 in SAT. Continued to take ap chem at age 10 and also got 5 and 800. I attempted to send several academies but Dr. Lee's academy was the only place he wanted to go.

Student 17

I am a home school student after leaving a private school. I took courses at George Mason and NOVA. The speed of teaching in there was slow. Dr. Lee teaches very fast because all students want to catch all of his explanation and so I could turn on my brain for 2 hours of USABO class. He covers much more than Campbell biology book because of the exam content. I hope I can pass USABO exam next year.

Student 18

My first kid was dominant over the second one in academia and activities. I was not happy to observe the second one felt inferiority to the first one. After hard study with Dr. Lee, the second one could pass USABO exam with high score. The second one shouted that I could pass USABO competition that the first one could not make. From this moment, he had more confidences in all. I cried because the second one did not express inferiority that he had not openly expressed. Passing USABO was a small gift compared to obtaining his confidence.
(my addition. he could get the highest grade in freshman chemistry in an Ivy school)

Student 19
​My daughter took Dr, Lee's TJ summer chem with TJ 9th graders at her 7th. Unexpectedly, she could catch Dr. Lee's points very well. So, at 8th grader, she continued AP chem. I hope this early start can help her win Chem Olympiad.
(my addition. she passed it at 9th grade)

Student 20
My son, 7th grader, is taking USABO class and took TJ summer chem this year. I majored in chemistry and my husband is MD. I took chem class and review together. Dad is taking USABO class and review together. Dr, Lee's lecture was easy to catch for my son who inspired all my family.

Student 21 

I was fortunate enough to take classes from Dr. Lee starting from the summer of 8th grade through the winter of 10th grade. I was able to learn the basics very well through lectures on all the chapters of Campbell’s Biology, which was supplemented with going through past USABO questions and reviewing other textbooks. In 9th grade, I passed open exam and managed to qualify for semifinals, but didn’t do particularly well. In 10th grade, I did much better on both the open and semifinal rounds, mostly due to the additional textbooks that I’d begun learning material from Dr. Lee's 2nd round class. In 11th grade, I did slightly better on semifinals and managed to qualify for the training camp. 

Although dedicated studying for the USABO helped me greatly, being an active member of my school’s Science Olympiad and Science Bowl teams also gave me a lot more biology knowledge that I found to be useful for doing well on the USABO exams. I also found that reviewing unfamiliar topics found in past USABO questions was incredibly helpful. 

(my addition: passed 1st round exam in 9th, 1st/2nd round in 10th (top 50 in the 2nd round exam), 1st/2nd round in 11th (in top 20, so passed the semifinal and had summer USABO training camp. He showed a fantastic progress that colleges love.)

​Student 22

My son joined the USABO class in his 6th year and understood very well. He loved Dr. Lee's lecture. He took it again in 7th grade and also TJ summer chemistry. Thanks to Dr. Lee's teaching he could win in the middle school science competitions in 7th grade. In 8th grade (2023 Fall), he took the 1st round class again and also the 2nd round class. Hope he has a good fruits in 2025/2026 USABO exams. 

(my addition: this student won the 2023 National Science Bee Champion and also got the 1st place on the National Biology Exam in his 7th grade. The student answered all chemistry/biology questions before other students answered according to parents. I provide college-level problems for USABO class. He could solve each chapter with >90% in 6th grade. He claimed that he read each chapter ~20 time. I questioned during class that how he could remember and answer well. His answer was reading 20X. He inspired me to teach more.)

Student 23: One student is in Colombia. Parents texted that after their son won USABO, the basic concepts of USABO class and AP chem class have been very helpful until junior year. 

Student 24: My son joined Dr. Lee's class March 24 and reviewed Feb's missing classes by watching videos. He could get a gold medal in 2024 USMDO exam.

Student 25. My daughter joined late and so she thoroughly reviewed videos because she could understand very well after reviewing all the videos and attending the classes.
